总部位于广州市的 HKA 成立于 1995 年,我们为汽车行业提供汽车系统开发,测试和诊断最专业的技术和知识。专注于发动机,变速箱,和汽车系统,我们已经成为汽车行业优秀的供应商和合作伙伴。 HKA 为发动机,变速箱,和汽车系统的所有方面,开发和提供创新的全面的解决方案,用最新的高技术手段和我们的客户一起完成这些方案。 随着汽车系统开发的综合性和广泛性不断提高,我们的经验和专业技术也有很大成长。 工作在最前沿,我们不只是能够满足今天的需要,我们还能够为将来的汽车开发趋势开拓出新路,保证我们的客户始终走在他们对手的前面。 我们不仅要为我们自己的客户做得最好,还要为我们客户的客户,环境和汽车的未来做得最好,这就是我们目的....
We are a private China Company-HKACO Inc., headquartered in the heart of SouthChina - Guangzhou in China. Since its inception, We has been representing the world leading technology and products in measurement, Monitoring, controls and diagnostics engineering for the Chinese industry, an emphasis on automotive industry . We have established ourselves as a renowned developer, marketer, and supplier. We carry a wide range of advanced test tools including testing instrumentation, data acquisition and measurement devices, and various advanced sensors. With strong expertise in test engineering, HKA also provides in-depth technical training and support for the products.